Legal Terminus can help you with filing of Professional Tax return for your organization, within due date, in a hassle-free manner within a reasonable time span and for competitive professional fee which starts from Rs. 799/- per month

Starts at ₹ 2000

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    Frequently asked questions about professional tax return filing

    Professional Tax is a State-imposed tax levied on all Employees, Professionals, Directors, Designated Partners, Companies, LLPs and all other Establishments or Employees. It is one of the few indirect taxes still in force post introduction of GST regime. Certain relevant queries in connection with the same have been dealt below:

    Once an organization is registered, the liability/responsibility to file returns vested automatically with the organization.

    Since the professional tax is imposed and levied by the state government, the rate is different in different states, however, central government has imposed a maximum limit of Rs. 2,500/- per annum beyond which any state cannot impose or collect the professional tax from any person.

    The due date of payment of Professional Tax dues and filing of return is different in different states, However, in most of the state the professional tax return is filed on monthly basis.

    • Details of the employees enrolled into or ceased to be employee of the organization during a particular month.
    • Details of the salary paid in during a particular month including the details of Professional Tax deducted.


    The broad process of filing Professional Tax return involves following steps:

    • STEP 1: Provision of requisite mentioned documents/information to us
    • STEP 2: Validating the documents/ information and processing the same.
    • STEP 3: Filing of return and submission of the same in online/offline manner, as the case may be
    • STEP 4: Payment of appropriate government fee as applicable
    • STEP 5: Submission of return within due date

    The process of submission of Professional Tax return can take anywhere between 1 to 2 working days, subject to submission of correct information and complete documentation.

    Legal Terminus can help you with filing of Professional Tax return for your organization, within due date, in a hassle-free manner within a reasonable time span and for competitive professional fee. To know more, please book a telephonic appointment with one of our consultants free of charge.

    Terms & Conditions

    1) The fee mentioned above does not include govt. fee payable, which shall be payable over and above the fee mentioned

    2) The Professional Fees varies from state to state, kindly contact our executive, we shall be happy to provide you a best quotation as per your requirement